Teaching Faculty


Photo of David W. Boshart

David W. Boshart


David W. Boshart, PhD, brings a variety of administrative and leadership experiences to his role as AMBS’s fourth President, which he began in January 2020.

Photo of Beverly Lapp, EdD

Beverly Lapp, EdD

Vice President and Academic Dean; Title lX Coordinator

Beverly Lapp brings more than two decades of experience in academic affairs, teacher development, curriculum design and intercultural exchange to her work at AMBS.

Bible (BIB)
Photo of Paul Keim, PhD

Paul Keim, PhD

Visiting Professor and Bible Department Chair (2021–22)

Paul Keim is professor of Bible and Religion at Goshen (Indiana) College and regularly teaches Greek and Hebrew courses at AMBS.

Photo of Susannah M. Larry, PhD

Susannah M. Larry, PhD

Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies

Susannah Larry, PhD, brings to her role a contagious passion for the Hebrew Bible and a commitment to Christ’s church.

  • www.susannahmarielarry.com (opens in new window)
Photo of Drew Strait, PhD

Drew Strait, PhD

Assistant Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins

Drew Strait, PhD, brings a contagious enthusiasm for the world of the earliest Christians to his work as a theological animator of Scripture, seeking to connect the dots between early Christians’ radical discipleship and the ways contemporary assemblies of Jesus followers can embody God’s future just world now.

History, Theology and Ethics (HTE)

Photo of Malinda Elizabeth Berry, PhD

Malinda Elizabeth Berry, PhD

Associate Professor of Theology and Ethics

Malinda Elizabeth Berry, PhD, is an educator-activist-doer. In addition to teaching, writing, and editing, she has served as interim pastor in New York City, and worked as a peace and social justice activist in Washington, D.C.

  • www.malindaelizabethberry.net/ (opens in new window)
Photo of Janna Hunter-Bowman, PhD

Janna Hunter-Bowman, PhD

Associate Professor of Peace Studies and Christian Social Ethics

Janna Hunter-Bowman, PhD, brings experience as a peace and justice worker in different settings to her academic study and teaching role. She has worked with Witness for Peace and with Justapaz in Colombia in the areas of documentation, education and advocacy.

Photo of Jamie Pitts, PhD

Jamie Pitts, PhD

Associate Professor of Anabaptist Studies; Director, Institute of Mennonite Studies; Editor, Anabaptist Witness journal

Jamie Pitts, PhD, seeks to join the Spirit's work of bringing healing, justice, and joy through teaching and research on global Anabaptist-Mennonite theology and history, participation in local congregational life and community organizing.

  • ambs.academia.edu/JamiePitts (opens in new window)

Church and Ministry (CHM)

Photo of Rachel Miller Jacobs, DMin

Rachel Miller Jacobs, DMin

Associate Professor of Congregational Formation

Rachel Miller Jacobs has a love for the church that leads her into many forms of ministry. She is a spiritual director and was the resources coordinator for Leader, a magazine of Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA.

Photo of Andy Brubacher Kaethler, PhD

Andy Brubacher Kaethler, PhD

Associate Professor of Christian Formation and Culture

Andy Brubacher Kaethler, PhD, has been committed to Christian formation for more than 25 years, working in educational, conference, congregational, and camp settings. He teaches in areas of theology, culture, and philosophy.

Photo of Allan Rudy-Froese, PhD

Allan Rudy-Froese, PhD

Associate Professor of Christian Proclamation

Allan Rudy-Froese blends a heart for the church, preparation in communicating the Good News of the gospel, and infectious humor with the ministry of teaching students how to communicate with diverse audiences in the church and in current culture.

Photo of Leah R. Thomas, PhD

Leah R. Thomas, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Contextual Education

Leah Thomas, PhD, brings to her new role an academic focus on pastoral care and Christian social ethics; commitment to undoing racism and intercultural learning; and professional experience in hospital chaplaincy, pastoring and nonprofit management.