Photo of Paula Killough

Paula Killough

Director of Campaign

Born in Maine and raised in Florida, Paula came to the Mennonite Church in Denver as an adult. “As one grafted in, I have always felt as though I have found my spiritual home,” she says.

After a career in retail, Paula felt a call to seminary and began online courses from Seattle in 2000 — soon visiting campus for intensive courses during the summer. In early 2006, she moved to the AMBS campus to pursue a Master of Divinity degree full time in pastoral leadership. She graduated in 2008 and was ordained in 2011.

Paula had the privilege to serve with Mennonite Mission Network as Senior Executive for Advancement until her retirement in August 2017. Paula began serving the AMBS Development Team in June 2018 and has been in her role with the Capital Campaign since April 2020.