Rooted and Grounded: Essays on Land and Christian Discipleship

Studies in Peace and Scripture Series (Vol. 13)

For many of us, the connection between the ecological crisis and humanity's detachment from the land is becoming increasingly clear. In biblical terms, adam (humanity) has severed itself from the adamah (soil), and we (creation) are reaping the consequences. This collection of essays, and the conference from which it took shape, calls the church to root itself more deeply in the agrarian biblical text and ecclesial tradition in order to remember and freshly imagine ways of living on and with the land that are restorative, reconciling, and faithful to the triune God's invitation to new life in Christ. When we listen attentively to and patiently learn from the biblical text, church history, and theology, the land itself can become a conversation partner, and we are summoned to recognize that the gospel is reserved not simply for humanity, but for the whole of creation.

Nowhere have I read a more substantive and informative collection of essays, all written for this volume, that drives home the importance of the land in theological reflection and ethical practice. Rooted and Grounded inspires us to reconnect with the land from which we came and to which we shall return.—William P. Brown, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary

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Rooted and Grounded Cover

Editors: Ryan Dallas Harker and Janeen Bertsche Johnson
© 2016
Pickwick Publications
Eugen, OR.
ISBN: 978-1-49823-554-9
282 pages. Paper.

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