Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network relaunched

Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network graphic

AMBS and the Institute of Mennonite Studies (IMS) — AMBS’s research and publishing agency — are proud to be a part of the relaunched Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network (AMSN)!

This development represents the fruition of many years of conversations between AMBS/IMS and our colleagues at Conrad Grebel University College and Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre (TMTC) about resurrecting the old Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network to serve a new generation of digitally connected global scholars. It also responds to a request I received from other research center directors and journal editors for a one-stop Anabaptist research information hub.

Learn more below, and check out the AMSN website for a list of Anabaptist Mennonite events, journals, awards, research institutes, etc., around the world and information on how to submit others.

— Jamie Pitts, Ph.D., IMS Director

The following piece originally appeared on the TMTC website and is shared with permission.

AMSN Relaunch

The Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre, in cooperation with the Institute for Mennonite Studies at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, is delighted to announce the relaunch of the Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network (AMSN).

The AMSN seeks to respond to the need for increasing communication around conference planning, special journal issues and related items with a view not only to facilitating greater awareness and cooperation but also, and significantly, to expanding the conversation. In a very modest way, the AMSN seeks to nurture the conditions whereby we can break out of disciplinary, institutional, gendered and geographic siloes that too often narrow our vision by fostering cross-disciplinary connections that intentionally include marginalized voices from across the street and around the world.

Email newsletters will feature a roundup of new calls for papers, conferences, lectures, employment opportunities, fellowships, scholarships, online resources and more from our website and will be circulated roughly 3–4 times annually.

We invite you to explore the already lengthy list of events, journals and centres on our website and to share this news with those in your networks who may be interested. To be added to the mailing list, subscribe at the bottom of this page.

We rely on an ever-expanding network of institutions and individuals to keep us apprised of what is happening and are always looking to add information of relevance to the Anabaptist Mennonite scholarly world around the globe. If there are events and/or other items that you are aware of, please let us know via the “Submit news and events” section of our website.

Lastly, we are in conversation with the emerging Global Anabaptist Education Networks and are working toward an AMSN event and/or workshop to coincide with the upcoming Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Assembly in Indonesia in 2022. Further details about this will be circulated in due course, and we are excited about the opportunities to connect and gather with each other in person.

If you have any comments or other feedback, we would love to hear from you. We hope this resource will be useful in connecting Anabaptist Mennonite scholars around the globe.

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