Anabaptist Resources for Prayer and Study

Take Our Moments and Our Days:
An Anabaptist Prayer Book

We invite you to share in a form of prayer that originated in the earliest Christian times and has continued through the centuries.

The distinctive Anabaptist flavor of this collection of daily prayers is evident in the predominance of Jesus' voice, the space for communal reflection on scripture, and the specific choices of Bible readings. We offer these services in the hope that you will find in them a way of prayer through which the voice of Jesus will pervade your whole day.

Two volumes for the church year

Faculty, staff and students use the Anabaptist Prayer Book during a time of weekly worship.

Faculty, staff and students use the Anabaptist Prayer Book during a time of worship in the Chapel of the Sermon on the Mount on the Elkhart, Indiana campus.

More from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary

Anabaptist Short Courses

Anabaptist Short Courses

Anabaptist Short Courses provide a way for new Anabaptists and people seeking to deepen their ministry in the way of Jesus to engage Anabaptist history, thought and witness. The non-credit courses meet four–six weeks and take place online or in-person.

Anabaptist Witness

Anabaptist Witness is a global Anabaptist and Mennonite dialogue on key issues facing the church in mission. The journal is published twice annually by AMBS, Mennonite Church Canada, and Mennonite Mission Network. To read the current issue, back issues, and blog, visit