Interested in seminary?

If you're just starting college (or are already in college) and think you might like to pursue a seminary degree at some point, consider these ways of preparing:

  • If you're going to a Mennonite college, participate in the Ministry Inquiry Program (MIP). If not, check with pastors you know to see if they'd be willing to set up a similar type of internship.
  • Take Bible classes and Greek and/or Hebrew if those courses are available.
  • Take a public speaking course.
  • Get involved in a local congregation during college; volunteer as a youth sponsor, worship leader or Sunday school teacher.
  • Attend a regional or denominational church conference or convention and meet people from other parts of the church.
  • You don’t have to major in Bible or religion, although those majors give an excellent background for seminary. A liberal arts degree is important. People come to seminary with all kinds of majors; some of them will do bivocational ministry, so having training in another area can be beneficial.

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